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Take a Closer Look at the Benefits of Home Health Care

nurse checking the blood pressure of the senior man

Sometimes, your dad’s needs are medical, and you can’t help him. If you haven’t looked at the benefits of home health care, it’s time.

Home health care includes medically-necessary care services that assist your dad with disease management, self-care, and comfort. Here are the benefits of this level of service.

Therapy Sessions

For some reason, your dad will spend several weeks or months working with a physical therapist. Maybe he fell and broke his leg, or he may have had a stroke and is relearning mobility. It’s challenging to get him to those appointments. Why not have them come to his home?

With home health care, physical therapists offer home visits. They’ll work with your dad at his home, where he’s comfortable and doesn’t have to get into a car, walk into the office, and then return home after. He completes exercises under their care or receives other treatments like massage to help stimulate the muscles.

You don’t have to bear his weight while transferring him to and from the car or in and out of the office. It lowers your stress and physical burden of lifting and transporting him. Likewise, it ensures he has exactly the help he needs.

Skilled Nursing Care

If your dad’s medical needs require the training and expertise of a nurse, skilled nursing care is ideal. Nurses come to your dad’s home and can help with these care tasks while consulting regularly with your dad’s doctors.

  • Wound care
  • Post-surgery or post-hospital care
  • Pain management
  • Medication management
  • Infusions in his home
  • Disease management (such as diabetes education/training)
  • Catheter and ostomy care

Post-Hospital Care

Even minor surgery requires special care at home. Hospitalization for an illness like pneumonia or COVID is another reason to consider post-hospital care. Instead of having your dad come home and try to remember everything his medical team told him to do, he has a trained home health care nurse to help.

If your dad has COVID and needs to strengthen his lungs with breathing exercises, his home health care nurse will work on them with him. If he had surgery and has to change bandages each day, he may not be able to reach the bandaged area. You may not be comfortable caring for a wound. A nurse is trained for it.

Suppose your dad had a hip replacement. He needs someone to help him stay mobile without overdoing it. He needs help with pain medication management. Post-hospital care services cover his needs.

It’s time to talk to an expert in home health care. Gather your list of questions and make the call. You’ll learn more about the prices and services that benefit your dad as he recovers from or adjusts to a chronic health condition, surgical procedure, or comes home from the hospital.

If you or an aging loved one is considering hiring Home Health Care in Bloomingdale, IL, please contact the caring staff at A Mishle Group Services, Inc. today. at 630-888-6644

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