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Skilled Nursing Care Eases Your Stress

senior man smiling at the aide

For all the things skilled nursing care can do, you might not realize it eases your stress. Your dad had heart surgery. You’re an only child, and you are with him for the next month to take care of him and ensure he does everything his medical team says.

Ask his doctors about skilled nurses. It’s one of the best ways to supplement the care you offer your dad with the medical care he needs once he’s out of the hospital. Skilled nursing care is certain to ease your stress, while ensuring your dad has the best care.

Medication Administration

Your dad’s pain levels need to be carefully monitored, as pain can keep him from healing well. If he needs pain medications through an IV, a home health care nurse can do this for him. If he needs IV antibiotics, that’s also possible with the help of a nurse.

Does your dad need IV medications or nutrients while he recovers? Instead of having to go back to a clinic or medical office, his nurses take care of it at his house.

Daily Health Checks

After heart surgery, your dad’s vital signs need to be monitored carefully. Nurses can take his blood pressure, pulse, oxygen saturation, and respirations. These readings are recorded in his file and shared with his doctor. If anything seems troubling, his doctor works with his nurse to change medications or decide if he needs to return to the hospital.

After heart surgery, your dad’s mental health is also important to monitor. Nurses can check where he is emotionally and caution his doctors if he seems overly anxious or depressed. He’s going to need a lot of support from his family as he adjusts to lifestyle changes that his doctors recommend.

Wound Care

Incisions following heart surgery need to be cared for. They must be kept clean and dry. Nurses can check the incisions, keep them clean, and change bandages as directed. If there is a problem, nurses can administer IV antibiotics without your dad needs to go to the hospital for an IV line.


Your dad needs to exercise, but he needs to do this carefully. He cannot overexert, as he could pop stitches. He cannot lift weights for several weeks. He can have a physical therapist come to his home and work with him. His nurses can ensure he keeps up with the recommended routines each day.

Skilled nursing care is easily arranged by calling. Before you make this call, talk to your dad’s cardiologist to see exactly what care he needs when he goes home.

After that, talk to a home care specialist about home health care services. Provide a list of the services your dad’s cardiology team recommends once he goes home. Go over any questions you have, get prices, and schedule visits from skilled nurses.

If you or an aging loved one is considering hiring Skilled Nursing in Elgin, IL, please contact the caring staff at A Mishle Group Services, Inc. today. at 630-888-6644

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