
Author Archives: amgamishle

AMG A Mishle Group Health Care Services

The Stages of Alzheimer’s Family Caregivers Should Know

After a senior parent is diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, family caregivers usually have a lot of questions. If your senior parent is one of the more than six million seniors living with Alzheimer’s and you feel like you’re not prepared for this...

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AMG A Mishle Group Health Care Services

Senior Care: Reasons Your Loved One Is Underweight

Have you noticed as your loved one ages, he just keeps getting smaller and smaller? While he might lose height, some elderly people begin to lose a lot of weight as they age as well. If you have taken your loved one in to see his regular physician...

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AMG A Mishle Group Health Care Services

Home Health Care Helps Seniors Battle Chronic Fatigue

Chronic fatigue significantly impacts quality of life for older adults, keeping them from enjoying daily activities and the time that they have left. Home health care can offer a tailored approach to addressing the challenges that seniors face with...

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AMG A Mishle Group Health Care Services

How Elder Care Helps Seniors Who Have Multiple Sclerosis

You may have heard of MS or Multiple Sclerosis but not know exactly what it does or how it will impact your loved one. Multiple sclerosis is a chronic autoimmune disease impacting the central nervous system. Symptoms will vary among individuals, and...

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AMG A Mishle Group Health Care Services

How Companion Care at Home Can Help Seniors Get Fresh Air

There is no better time to get outside than when the sun is shining and the air is warm. Did you know that getting outside has multiple health benefits for your senior? As caregivers, we often think about sending the children outside to play in the...

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AMG A Mishle Group Health Care Services

Skilled Nursing Care is a Helpful Resource to Family Caregivers

Your dad fell and fractured his hip. He's going to go home, but skilled nursing care is recommended. What is this level of care and how does it help him recover? Skilled nursing care is a service where skilled nurses come to the patient's home to...

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