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Author Archives: Eben Gaurino & Shieryl Silva


How to Tell if Your Loved One Has Hearing Loss

The first week of March is Hearing Awareness Week. One in six people is affected by hearing loss. There can be various reasons why someone will start to lose their hearing, but the elderly often slowly lose their hearing. Sometimes it can be so...

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Understanding the Differences Between Home Health Care and Home Care

Your dad is getting older and it's getting hard to ignore that his health is changing. After his last trip to the doctor, it's determined that he has high blood pressure and congestive heart failure. You're not sure what happens next, but one...

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Skilled Nursing Care Eases Your Stress

For all the things skilled nursing care can do, you might not realize it eases your stress. Your dad had heart surgery. You're an only child, and you are with him for the next month to take care of him and ensure he does everything his medical...

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Symptoms of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)

The shorter days of winter can be hard anywhere you live in the country. Sunshine and blue skies not only make a day more pleasant, they also help prevent Seasonal Affective Disorder, often called SAD. Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is a type...

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Music Therapy Is Something Your Senior May Want to Consider

Home health care may help seniors in several ways. This treatment may encompass various techniques to improve health, including innovative options like music therapy. According to some experts, music may have a significant influence on a senior's...

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Why is Skilled Nursing Care So Important for Your Senior?

No one enjoys feeling terrible, and that is especially true for your aging adult. When it’s time for her to have some extra help healing, one of the options you might want to consider is skilled nursing care. This type of assistance helps your...

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