
Category Archives: Elder Care

AMG A Mishle Group Health Care Services

Elder Care: Fun Ways Seniors Can Stay Active Throughout The Winter

Elder Care: For seniors in cold climates, the winter can make it difficult to stay motivated to be active. Cold weather, ice, and snow can make it tough for seniors who usually walk or do outdoor activities to find ways that they can be active that...

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AMG A Mishle Group Health Care Services

Elder Care: November 6th is Book Lover’s Day Encouraging Seniors to...

Elder care assistance should always encourage seniors to read. This is an important part of a healthy lifestyle, and there are many benefits of reading for seniors. On November 6th, it is titled Book Lovers Day for all of the avid readers out...

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AMG A Mishle Group Health Care Services

Elder Care: Food Swaps to Help Senior Citizens Improve Their Health

Elder Care: Is your elderly loved one eating unhealthy foods? Have you been trying to get them to eat healthier? Maybe, you have suggested they go on a diet, but that hasn’t stuck with your elderly loved one? If this is the case, you may just...

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AMG A Mishle Group Health Care Services

Caregiver Tips: 5 Ways to Make Showering Easier After a Stroke

Caregiver Tips: Your mom had a stroke. When she comes home, it won't be the same. She needs a walker or wheelchair. You have to make adjustments for her to be able to get around the house without a struggle. At the same time, you need to make...

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