
Category Archives: Home Care

AMG A Mishle Group Health Care Services

Personal Care at Home Spring Skin Care Tips For Seniors

Now that the weather is changing seniors need to change their skin care routine. It’s very important for seniors to take good care of their skin. Seniors have a higher risk of developing skin cancer than younger people. Because senior skin isn’t...

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AMG A Mishle Group Health Care Services

How Elder Care Helps Alleviate Family Caregiver Stress

If you have a senior parent that wants to remain in their home but needs more support than you can give you’re not alone. Members of the “Sandwich Generation” are finding themselves stuck between elderly parents that need care and young...

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AMG A Mishle Group Health Care Services

Holistic Senior Wellness: Complementary and Integrative Medicine in Home Care

As people get older, staying in good health becomes more important, and many seniors are looking at non-traditional healthcare options to improve their quality of life. For instance, there’s recently been a push to combine complementary and...

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AMG A Mishle Group Health Care Services

Home Care Tips To Improve Seniors Indoor Environment

You may go over to your senior mom or dad's house once a week since they chose to age in place and may not be happy with the state of things. The truth is as your loved one gets older, it can be harder to maintain the household. This is when hiring...

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AMG A Mishle Group Health Care Services

Senior Care: Reasons Your Loved One Is Underweight

Have you noticed as your loved one ages, he just keeps getting smaller and smaller? While he might lose height, some elderly people begin to lose a lot of weight as they age as well. If you have taken your loved one in to see his regular physician...

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AMG A Mishle Group Health Care Services

5 Ways Home Care Assistance Offers Help with ADLs

Maintaining independence and quality of life is essential for seniors and individuals with disabilities. Home care assistance plays a vital role in supporting their ability to perform daily activities. Often seniors worry that having help will...

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