
Category Archives: Home Health Care

AMG A Mishle Group Health Care Services

How Does Home Health Care Help Seniors Recover After a Hospital...

Coming home from the hospital is often a challenging transition for aging adults. Things become even more complicated when seniors are still healing and need additional help to continue the healing process. Home health care offers a way for seniors...

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AMG A Mishle Group Health Care Services

Home Health Care Helps Seniors Battle Chronic Fatigue

Chronic fatigue significantly impacts quality of life for older adults, keeping them from enjoying daily activities and the time that they have left. Home health care can offer a tailored approach to addressing the challenges that seniors face with...

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AMG A Mishle Group Health Care Services

How Companion Care at Home Can Help Seniors Get Fresh Air

There is no better time to get outside than when the sun is shining and the air is warm. Did you know that getting outside has multiple health benefits for your senior? As caregivers, we often think about sending the children outside to play in the...

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AMG A Mishle Group Health Care Services

What Types of Nurses Work in Home Health Care?

Home health care is a form of home care that's provided by medical professionals. While home care helps with things like cleaning, cooking, and transportation, home health care assists with items that are medically necessary like wound care, IVs,...

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AMG A Mishle Group Health Care Services

How Home Care Can Help Keep Your Brain Active

As a senior, you may live a fairly sedentary lifestyle. This is normal and expected. Although a senior should be attempting to stretch and walk each day, there is still a lot of time when they won’t move around. This is when it’s crucial for...

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AMG A Mishle Group Health Care Services

Understanding the Differences Between Home Health Care and Home Care

Your dad is getting older and it's getting hard to ignore that his health is changing. After his last trip to the doctor, it's determined that he has high blood pressure and congestive heart failure. You're not sure what happens next, but one thing...

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