
Category Archives: Senior Care Tips

AMG A Mishle Group Health Care Services

Summer Activities for Your Elderly Loved One and Their Elder Care...

Now that summer is just about here, you should get your elderly loved one outside more. The benefits of going outside are amazing - vitamin D from the sun, exercise from walking, enjoying the fresh air, etc. If you aren’t sure which spring and...

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AMG A Mishle Group Health Care Services

My Senior Mom Always Feels Cold

  Taking care of a senior parent can be tons of work, no matter who you are. Their bodies respond differently than younger adults, often having more medical conditions to think about. If you have been visiting your mom or dad regularly and...

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AMG A Mishle Group Health Care Services

Top Tips for Providing Help for an Elderly Parent

Maybe, you have noticed recently that your elderly parent is needing a bit more help than usual. It could just be when they lift things up, it seems they are in pain or maybe when you go to their house, things are a bit messier than normal. No...

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