
Category Archives: Skilled Nursing

AMG A Mishle Group Health Care Services

The Benefits of Skilled Nursing Care For Seniors Aging in Place

If your senior parent wants to continue living in their own home but they have had a fall or they have a medical condition that makes that difficult skilled nursing care at home can help. With skilled nursing care at home seniors can often stay in...

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AMG A Mishle Group Health Care Services

Skilled Nursing Care is a Helpful Resource to Family Caregivers

Your dad fell and fractured his hip. He's going to go home, but skilled nursing care is recommended. What is this level of care and how does it help him recover? Skilled nursing care is a service where skilled nurses come to the patient's home to...

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AMG A Mishle Group Health Care Services

What Types of Nurses Work in Home Health Care?

Home health care is a form of home care that's provided by medical professionals. While home care helps with things like cleaning, cooking, and transportation, home health care assists with items that are medically necessary like wound care, IVs,...

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AMG A Mishle Group Health Care Services

Does Your Senior Loved One Need Skilled Nursing Care?

Seniors have a lot of options for where they want to live as they get older and these days most seniors want to stay in the homes they’re living in as they get older. It’s easy to understand why. Their homes are comfortable and cozy. They’re...

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AMG A Mishle Group Health Care Services

Skilled Nursing Care Eases Your Stress

For all the things skilled nursing care can do, you might not realize it eases your stress. Your dad had heart surgery. You're an only child, and you are with him for the next month to take care of him and ensure he does everything his medical team...

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AMG A Mishle Group Health Care Services

Why is Skilled Nursing Care So Important for Your Senior?

No one enjoys feeling terrible, and that is especially true for your aging adult. When it’s time for her to have some extra help healing, one of the options you might want to consider is skilled nursing care. This type of assistance helps your...

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