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Tips for Traveling with Your Elderly Parent

Animate elder couple at the airport

Over the past few years, traveling has changed a bit. People often face long lines at security points. They are required to take off their shoes and even belts. This can be difficult for an elderly person. Sometimes a person has to wait for hours during different stages of their trip and face temperature changes, as well. All these things can take a real toll on an elderly person’s stamina and mood. As a family caregiver, you should learn some tips for traveling with your elderly parent. If there are home care providers going on the trip with you and your loved one, be sure to share these tips with them, as well.

Arriving Early to the Airport

It is important to take your time. Don’t rush your elderly loved one. It can often be physically difficult on an elderly person to walk fast. Rushing can make them feel stressed out. As a family caregiver, you should check the status of the flight before leaving your home. Even if everything is on schedule, getting to the airport early can still help. Most experts recommend that a person arrives about two hours before their scheduled flight is going to leave.

Get Transportation Inside the Airport

You should call ahead to make arrangements for transportation within the airport. Every airport offers some sort of assistance when it comes to getting passengers from one terminal to another. This can really come in handy for your elderly loved one, especially if they have disabilities or need help moving around.

Be Prepared for Security Checks

Almost every traveler agrees that one of the worst parts of traveling is going through security checkpoints. To make things easier for your elderly loved one, be sure to take the time to explain what they should expect in these areas of the airport. Remind them that they will be asked to remove their shoes and possibly their belt. In addition, let them know that they will need to walk through a scanner. Don’t forget to mention that security points aren’t scary. Together, you all will get past them.

Proper Management of Medications

It is important to check the guidelines regarding carrying medications before you take your elderly loved one to the airport. Most airports will allow a person to have their medications in their carry on luggage. However, you might have to put your elderly loved one’s medication in clear plastic bags that security can easily see and identify.


Traveling can be difficult for your elderly loved one and for everyone who is going on the trip. If you are planning on traveling with your elderly loved one, try these tips to help make the trip easier and less stressful for everyone involved.

If you or an aging loved-one is considering Elder Care in Elgin, IL please contact the caring staff at A Mishle Group Services, Inc. today. 630-888-6644 


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