Taking care of a senior parent can be tons of work, no matter who you are. Their bodies respond differently than younger adults, often having more medical conditions to think about. If you have been visiting your mom or dad regularly and start to...
Read More ›Maybe, you have noticed recently that your elderly parent is needing a bit more help than usual. It could just be when they lift things up, it seems they are in pain or maybe when you go to their house, things are a bit messier than normal. No...
Read More ›If you'd prefer to avoid the trouble of physically visiting your local pharmacy each month to refill your older adult's medicines, consider switching to a mail-order pharmacy. Something that seems easy for you, like running errands and picking up...
Read More ›It’s never a good feeling to hear that your senior is suddenly dealing with a chronic health problem. There might not be much that you can do to cure her of whatever she’s been diagnosed with, but there are definitely some ways that you and...
Read More ›Elder Care: For seniors in cold climates, the winter can make it difficult to stay motivated to be active. Cold weather, ice, and snow can make it tough for seniors who usually walk or do outdoor activities to find ways that they can be active...
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