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Elder Care: Food Swaps to Help Senior Citizens Improve Their Health

Elder Care: Is your elderly loved one eating unhealthy foods? Have you been trying to get them to eat healthier? Maybe, you have suggested they go on a diet, but that hasn’t stuck with your elderly loved one? If this is the case, you may just...

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Homecare: Why Do Strokes Affect People Differently?

Homecare: Strokes occur when blood flow in the brain is interrupted or blocked in some way. There are a variety of different types of strokes, and they can happen in various places in your senior’s brain. If your senior has a stroke, her...

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Home Care Services: Five Reasons Your Senior Might Finally Opt for...

Home Care Services: Have you been trying to convince your senior to give senior care a chance? Some of these reasons might be enough to finally sway her to try home care services out for herself. Your Senior Has Someone There with Her One huge...

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Caregiver Tips: 5 Ways to Make Showering Easier After a Stroke

Caregiver Tips: Your mom had a stroke. When she comes home, it won't be the same. She needs a walker or wheelchair. You have to make adjustments for her to be able to get around the house without a struggle. At the same time, you need to make...

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Caregiver Health: Three Times Family Caregivers Push Too Hard and End...

Caregiver Health: If you are a family caregiver, you are going to experience stress. You might not feel it impacting your life right now, but do this long enough, and you will feel your caregiver health slipping away. There are plenty of examples...

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Caregiver Tips: For Family Caregivers: Improving Communication with a Loved One...

Caregiver Tips: Communication can be tough under the best of circumstances. However, when you’re trying to communicate with a loved one who has Alzheimer’s, dementia, or memory loss, it can be an even bigger challenge. Fortunately, there are...

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