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Everyone Over 65 Needs Not One, But Two Pneumonia Shots

Senior woman having a inject shot

You are probably familiar with the classic symptoms of pneumonia. Patients with pneumonia are coughing up quantities of sputum which could be green. They might be lying in oxygen tents and fighting to live.

Pneumonia shots protect against a plethora of ailments

But you might be surprised to learn that the virus that commonly causes pneumonia, Streptococcus pneumoniae, also called “pneumococcus,” can attack more than the lungs. It can cause ear infections, meningitis, sinus infections, blood disorders, and sepsis.

Some seniors are at even greater risk if they catch the Streptococcus pneumonia virus. Anyone who drinks heavily has a cochlear implant has a suppressed immune system, or a chronic condition like liver, kidney, or lung disease is at higher risk for fatality from pneumonia. Your mother or father’s primary care physician should determine your parents’ risk levels.

Because seniors are at higher risk of complications and death as a result of catching this virus, the Centers for Disease Control recommend that all individuals over 65 get not one, but two different pneumonia shots.

People younger than 65 may also need pneumonia shots, especially if they have had cancer, a spleen removed, an organ transplant, or if they are diabetic or on dialysis. Others at high risk of pneumonia may also need to get this shot.

What are these pneumonia shots and what do they do?

The pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV13 or Prevnar, for short) innoculates patients against thirteen different types of bacteria. If a beloved parent or grandparent is getting a pneumonia shot for the first time, this is the first shot that should be obtained.

The pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine (PPSV23, for short) is the second vaccination recommended for anyone over 65 as well as younger people whose risk is high.

The two shots should not be taken at the same time. Most people are advised to wait a year after the first shot to get the second shot. Both vaccines are covered by Medicare B if they are taken a year or more apart. If cost is an issue, be sure to find a doctor who accepts Medicare assignment.

Home care can help maintain a schedule

Home care aides can help your senior comply with CDC recommendations in a number of ways. They can create calendar reminders about when to get the next pneumonia shot, the next flu shot, and help you space the shots out appropriately to lessen reactions.

Home care aides can also provide transportation to the clinics that provide vaccinations and other basic preventive care. With home care and good prevention, your seniors may live a long, happy, and healthy life.

If you or an aging loved-one is considering Senior Care in Bloomingdale, IL, please contact the caring staff at A Mishle Group Services, Inc. today. 630-888-6644 


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